Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Travel is . .

. . . Sometimes accidental

I've been MIA for a while, and the last week I had a perfectly good excuse.

I was in New Jersey visiting a friend (and planned a weekend in New York to see theater and other friends,) when she and I went for a walk. My friend was planning a dinner party for me and another friend so we walked to a fruit and vegetable market a few blocks away.

To make a long story short, I fell. I fell flat on my face. Literally. I didn't break anything, but fell on my nose. A week later it is still swollen, red, scabbed over and my eyes have gone through every shade in the purple color order.

This happened at 11:30 in the morning, I spent three hours in the ER and flew home later that night. The looks on the faces of my fellow passengers were telling and I think I have some better understanding of the Elephant Man now.

I lost my theater tickets and time in New York City, but am so grateful that I am not going through the throes of a broken limb or nose or teeth, and so grateful to my friend for attending to me, that I can't waste time on self pity.

It was a ghastly week, but it could've been worse.

I could have stayed and enjoyed Hurrican Irene.

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