Friday, July 15, 2011

Travel is . . .

. . .maybe another time

Two of my sons are meeting in Las Vegas next week. This morning my physical therapist told me she's heading to the Nevada city in a couple of weeks and one of her colleagues will be there at the same time. My CPA is flying out in a day or two and I woman I met at the beauty parlor leaves for her first trip to Vegas in a month.

Yep. Las Vegas remains a popular travel destination. Rates are good, promotional rates even better and the entertainment is still top drawer.

I love Las Vegas and was scheduled to fly there with my son last month. We had to cancel the trip, but I am sure, before the year is out, I too will journey back to Las Vegas.

I've been going there for about 40 years. I've played blackjack in a dozen casinos seen all the show biz greats: I've been embarassed sitting in the first row at a Don Rickles show; been enamored by Frank Sinatra and the "rat pack," (years later by an aging Tom Jones,) seen Paul Anka and Ann Margret, Redd Foxx, Mort Sahl and Buddy Hackett, Leno, Seinfeld, lots of Cirque shows - the Beatles "Love" twice - and had many enjoyable first class meals.

Years ago Las Vegas marketed itself as family-friendly. It's not. It is an adult Disney World. Topless pools, sexually charged shows and pricey restaurants are for adults. Chicken fingers and kids' cups are family-friendly.

I am delighted, that after a few years of terrible tourism people are rediscovering Las Vegas.

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